At the moment, the majority of our products are shipped by courier, that is why PO Box (Poste Restante, Fermo Posta) is not applicable. For a safe delivery, we need a valid address.But if you want we can send the package to HOLD FOR COLLECTION to the courrier in your are. For more info please contact us.
Attention Swiss Customer!
We cannot ship to Switzerland by courier because of Customs problems in your country.
The medicines we offer are shipped from Europe.
Shipments delivered by registered mail (Air Mail Registered) takes about 8/9 working days from the shipping date.
Shipments delivered by courier 5 working days
The tracking is available on request.
Order cancellation
Please note that we don't accept order cancellations and don't accept packages back. So think twice before ordering since chargeback ignoring our policy will be a fraud and we will act legaly your credit card details.
Terms and Conditions
The site owner can not be held responsible for the treatment or the proper use of the products they have supplied. It's the buyer's responsibility to use any products supplied under the advice of a doctor.
The online pharmacy is responsible for ensuring that the product is correct in amount and resistance, and provided to the customer properly. Product liabilities are only assigned to the supplier.
Privacy Notice
We recognize your right to privacy and we are committed to protect your privacy. We use the information we collect on our site to offer a higher shopping experience. And also to inform you about products and services whenever we believe it's necessary. We don’t store your credit card details. Our parcels don’t list what’s inside, sender is not listed. We always respect your privacy.
Details of your account
When you place an order, we will ask you to set up your account information and log-in, which includes your name, email address, postal address. Using your account information, we will only contact you if we are unable to process your order or have a problem with any of its data. We will not sell your data. You can always access your account using the log-in to our website and change your information whenever you want.
Appropriate physical, electronic and management procedures are in place to safeguard and secure the information that we collect online. Your credit card details are always stored in encrypted form in a limited access to the database that is remote from the database of our website so that it's not connected to the Internet, to keep it protected from hackers.
Unsolicited E-mail (SPAM)
Your privacy is very important for us. We assure you that, in accordance with the legislation on our privacy, we do not disturb our list of customers, except for information related to issues on an order placed. Never we will call you by phone.
General Notice
For the purchase of medicines you must be at least 18 years. So if you are under 18, please, leave our website.